Thursday, May 31, 2012

Skip That Payday Loan

Payday loans are loans that are taken out against a future paycheck. They are quick source of money in an emergency, but you will find that relying on them too much can have some seriously detrimental effects to your pocketbook! If you have been relying on payday loans recently or if you want to stay away from the entirely, check out these steps that can help you find alternatives.

Pawn Something

With the advent of shows like “Pawn Stars,” pawn shops are doing better than ever. At a pawn shop, you can bring in items with good resale value and have them held for a certain sum of money. The pawn shop essentially gives you a loan, using your property as security. If you do not pay the money back within a certain time, the item is then given up for sale. Pawn shops also allow you to sell items outright. Electronic equipment, jewelry and clothes are all fair game for pawn shops.

Borrowing From a Family Member or Friend

Borrowing money from someone close to you can be a slightly nerve-wracking experience. We´ve all heard stories about money destroying friendships and families, but the truth is not so dire. Lay out your current situation for the person you wish to borrow from, and tell them about your plan to pay them back. Once you have laid out everything for them, it is up to them if they wish to loan you the money. If you stay calm and if you are understanding if they have to say no, you will find that things can go very smoothly indeed.

Yard Sale

If you live in an area that allows it, simply put a price on everything you don´t want and have a yard sale. A yard sale can be thrown together in a weekend, and it can even be a fun way to meet your neighbors. If your things are desirable and in good condition, you might be surprised by how much money you can make in a small amount of time. For the best results, open your yard sale early in the morning; yardsale fans get up early for the best deals.

Budget Tightly

If you notice that you are going over in terms of expenses every month, it is time to figure out why that might be. Sit down, make a list of all of your expenses and tally them up. Then tally up the money you have coming in. If the expenses are larger than your income, you need to start seeing where you can slash your expenses. This is not easy, especially when you have to choose between things that are equally important, but it can help you avoid the need for payday loans.

Eat In

It is extremely tough to muster up the energy to cook at the end of a busy day, but regularly going out to eat will take its toll. Even going to a fast food place adds up, and eating at home is invariably cheaper. One way to make sure that you can save your cash is to buy plenty of quick foods, like pastas and beans, things that can be quickly heated up in a microwave or on the stove. On your days off, consider making a big batch of food and then freezing it, creating your own instant food!

If you want to avoid payday loans, it is not always easy. Make sure that you consider what your regular habits are, and think about how you can save more money. A small amount of foresight and the option to look into other choices can help you skip the payday loan office from now on.

Guest author Sharon Koontz is a financial guru and freelance blogger writing on behalf of

Monday, May 28, 2012

Your Company’s Protection – Business Liability Insurance

You probably thought that your business, because it is small-scale will no longer need liability insurance. Wrong. The truth is, any business, regardless of size, is required by law to have business liability insurance. This is to protect your business from the daily operational uncertainties which most of the time could equate to huge financial losses. Accidents and unforeseen business crisis happen when they are least expected. And if you depend on your company’s income to shoulder the expenses arising out of such mishaps, the company or business will not last long. And as a business person, keeping your business or company protected from such a letdown is top priority and concern.

So what kind of insurance coverage will your business need? How much coverage or protection will your business require?

There are many answers to these two questions. Insurance coverage and protection usually vary from business to business, state to state and funds to funds. A discussion with an insurance broker will help you determine all of these based on the needs of your business.

General Liability Insurance
  • General liability insurance for your business will serve as your company’s buffer against any claims from third party resulting from bodily or personal injury, damage to property, false advertising, acts of negligence, etc. This will act as a fund or a budget of the company to take care of all financial obligations resulting from any of these circumstances. And as in any regular small-scale business, the owner fears that his personal funds will be utilized eventually for any of these especially if the financial standing of the business or the company is already shaky.
  • Although the insurance broker or agent will give you an idea of what your business needs in terms of insurance coverage, you have to make your personal assessment of what your business needs, how much your coverage will be and how much the business can afford to allocate for these insurance covers.
An important factor to consider is how much coverage is needed for the business. Most businesses would opt for nothing less than a million dollars. This is the generally accepted mark for most businesses as more than enough to cover for most liability claims. Still, this amount may vary on the upside especially for businesses that pay high amounts for punitive or corrective damages.

Another important factor in determining the amount of coverage is the risk of the business. If your business poses high risks for the customers or end users, the amount of coverage needs to be on high side. On the other hand, a low risk business will not need as much.

Additional Liability Insurance

For some businesses, it may be necessary to include additional liability insurance like vehicle or automobile, professional and product liability insurance. These are additional protection for the company for additional claims made by third party against the company.
  • Automobile or Vehicle Liability Insurance
If your business utilizes corporate vehicles in the business operations, an additional liability coverage for vehicle will be necessary to have additional protection in the event of an accident or a mishap involving said corporate vehicles.
  • Professional Liability Insurance
If your business employs professionals like engineers, architects, designers, etc., the risk of errors or mistakes committed in the performance of their work may be high and prone to legal battles. You need to have coverage on this to protect the company from any lawsuit arising from a failure in design of an architect or an engineer, for instance.
  • Product Liability Insurance
If your business is involved in product manufacture or distribution, a good way to protect your business is by having product liability insurance. This will protect your business from total collapse should a product liability lawsuit is hurled against your company resulting from defective product, false advertisement, consumer injury or health complications, warranty breach, etc.

While all of these may sound expensive and costly, there are insurance companies who offer packages at affordable rates or premiums. If you are buying general liability insurance and opt to buy additional liability insurance coverage as well, you will have a better package price than if you are just buying the general liability insurance coverage. Having a thorough consultation with an insurance broker and doing some personal research will put you in a better position to decide what is best for your business in terms of liability insurance coverage.

My name is Mary G. Watson. I am a freelance writer for I am 33 years old and I have 2 sons. I used to work at a car company in New York as a car insurance agent. I usually write about insurance. However, my topics are not only about cars but also about business and other topics as well.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Is it Cheaper to Insure an Old or New Car?

One of the main things everyone considers when buying a car is the amount of insurance they will have to pay. This is sensible because there are several costs involved with owning a car, and insurance is one of the main outgoings for most drivers. But is it always best to get an older car that has already been used, or do newer vehicles offer cheaper insurance options?

In truth there is no simple answer. Many people think older cars are automatically cheaper to insure, but this is not necessarily the case. A variety of different factors come into play when an insurer calculates the premium on a particular vehicle. So when you are gauging which car would be right for you, it is wise to do some research before making that all important decision. It will help you work out which car will give you the cheapest insurance policy.

Of course some cars are typically always cheaper to insure than others. The Ford Fiesta, Vauxhall Corsa and Renault Clio are all among the cheapest cars to insure in the UK. There are a number of reasons for this – cheaper parts, lower cost of the car and less power under the bonnet. But the cheaper prices can apply to newer models and not just older ones. Always check before splashing out on any car to make sure the insurance is cost effective. You could actually get a model that is a year or two old covered for less than it would cost to cover a much older model.

There are different insurance policies too though – policies that are often chosen by specific drivers. For example, owners of older cars often opt for third party fire and theft because it is not worth buying a comprehensive policy, owing to the age and value of the car. However, newer cars will often have a comprehensive policy which is pricier. So again you have another factor to be borne in mind. Incidentally, classic cars can also work out cheaper to cover than more modern ones – another fact that may surprise you.

It’s clear that people have to think about insurance as a contributing factor to any car they buy. Shopping around for a new policy can produce some wildly different premiums, but depending on your situation, your age and where you live, you may find it more cost effective to buy a newer car. Cheaper premiums are also available if your car is kept secured in a locked garage overnight, as you’ll see if you specify this in a quote.

Whatever car you end up with, there are other ways to bring down the cost of premiums if you have more than one car in your household. A multi car insurance quote is a good way to find out how much cheaper your insurance could be for all the vehicles covered. This applies both to used cars and to brand new ones.

So whatever you would like to drive around in, a little research will allow you to make sure you are able to get the lowest possible insurance quote you can.

Jamie Monteath is a freelance blogger who runs his own finance blog at He has had his work published on other finance sites regarding several finance subjects ranging from personal finance, getting a multi car insurance quote and other insurance related topics.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Good and bad sides of bridging finance

Bridging finance is an important type of financing for small businesses and individuals that want to try to capitalize on the anticipated sale of something, in order to get a short-term loan in the interim. For instance, if a house is being sold, and there is an expected high income cash-flow, then the property owner could go and get a bridge loan in order to help cover the costs of whatever else he is working on while he is trying to sell the property in question and make the whole transaction run off smoothly. It is best that people focus on the property that is being sold, and try to capitalize on that, before they start investing in some other property and spending their money on that. The proceeds from the short-term loan on the existing property that might be sold can help finance the new property that is coming up.

The advantage of short-term financing like this is that you can start building on a new project before you have even sold the existing project. You can use the money from the expected sale of the current project to help pay for the financing on a new project. This is a great method of working on new projects. However, there are problems here because if you cannot sell the property, then the loan, and all the money that you put into the new project, and all the proceeds from that, will have to go back to loan provider. You have to be very sure that you are going to sell the current property, or the loan has significant disadvantages.

There are also some advantages to the bridge financing loan in that you can start work on a new project without having even sold the first one. This can really give you a boost and a headstart on starting that new project. That means that when the current property is sold, you can move straight into the new property that you were building.

No doc loans are also an important part of the process, and people that are freelancers and self-employed can really make the most of this too. They can start to work on the most important documentation ahead of time so they can be more assured of getting a loan. They will have to show more proof that they can get the loan because they won't have much documentation. No doc loans are a little harder to get.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

12 of the Biggest Retirement Planning Mistakes to Avoid

Ensuring that you are ready for the future involves spending time planning for what is ahead. However, planning for retirement isn’t always an easy task. With an overwhelming wealth of information available to help you get on the right track when it comes to planning for retirement, you are likely to make mistakes. Listed below are 12 of the biggest retirement mistakes to avoid when planning for your future. Will you be fully prepared for retirement when the time comes?
  • Making risky investments at the last minute in an attempt to make more money. Instead of taking last minute risks, choose to moderately invest over a period of time. This will not only reduce your risk, but will also allow you to make money safely over a longer period of time.
  • Thinking that you won’t live long. Many people have the misconception that they won’t live a long period of time and therefore don’t save enough money for retirement. Plan as if you are going to live until 90 or even 100. There is no way of knowing how long your life will be but you want to live comfortably throughout your entire life.
  • Borrowing from your retirement Plan. This is a mistake that many people make. Don’t make a habit of borrowing from your retirement because a time will come when you are older when you may need every dime.
  • Not knowing how to invest. Be sure that you are aware of what is going on with your nest egg. Simply forgetting about it and expecting it to grow over the years is okay. However, you could make even more money if you stay involved with your nest egg and know the times when you should take risks and times when you should not.
  • Not budgeting. Don’t look at retirement as a time when you can freely spend money as you please. Unless you have planned for this lifestyle, you are likely to run out of money very quickly. Do you best to budget. Yes! You can take those dream retirement vacations but make sure that you have planned for them.
  • Cashing out your 401K when switching jobs. If you change jobs, it is wise to leave your money where it is at. This can give you the comfort and peace of mind knowing that your money will be there when you retire. This is especially true if you are nearing retirement age. Don’t cash out until you will be actually using it for retirement.
  • No post-retirement plan. Will you work part-time after retirement or have some other way to add money to your bank account. A post retirement plan can help you determine how much money you will need to live off of when you do retire.
  • Not calculating in health care. Health care expenses are continuing to rise. Many people make the mistake of not preparing for health care after they retire. Co pays for medications and doctor’s visits can be very expensive. Be sure that you calculate this into your budget when you retire.
  • Not paying down your mortgage. You don’t want to use your retirement money to pay off large home loans. Work on paying off mortgages early on so that you can spend your retirement money elsewhere.
  • Accumulating credit card debt. Realize that the credit card debt that you accumulate now will follow you in the future. Work hard to get all of your credit card debt paid down before your retire so that you aren’t left paying credit card bills with your retirement money.
  • Taking your social security check too early. Wait as long as you possibly can before collecting your social security check. If you can live financially without it, save those funds for a time when you may need it most.
  • Being unconcerned about retirement. Retirement planning is crucial if you want to be financially secure when you are older. Get advice from financial planners to help you make smart investments.
Listed above are 12 of the biggest retirement mistakes that people make. Use the tips listed above to help you make the right decisions when it comes to planning for your future. Will you be prepared for retirement?

Victor works in senior care industry and specializes in writing about topics related to elder care and retirement planning. He is also working as content developer for an online store for reliable walking canes that help elders in preventing fall injuries.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

5 Blogs That Will Keep you Financially Fit

The rough economy has affected all of us in one way or another. The majority of twenty-somethings are working jobs that are far below their skill level, making less than they deserve, or unable to find any work at all. If you're in your thirties, forties, or fifties, the outlook probably doesn't look much better.

We all know the basic rules of financial success; spend less than you earn, save for the future, keep a budget, etc. Unfortunately, these rules are all easier said than done, but these five great blogs are here to help. These blogs have all the information you need to get on the right path toward financial stability.


MintLife's motto is "know your money, live your life." This site offers excellent, easy to digest resources for people who are trying to get started with a budget, planning big life changes like buying a house or having kids, in the middle of a financial crisis, and/or approaching retirement. The sleek layout of this blog makes it easy to find the resources that will be most helpful to you.


This straight forward blog offers practical tips for cutting your spending, investing wisely, and not letting your life be ruled by your budget. Check out the right-hand side for a list of 14 money rules to live by. Each rule is accompanied by an article explaining the importance of the rule and how to incorporate it into your life. The author of this blog also has a book available on and Barnes & Noble.


It's not advice that anyone wants to hear. After all we're greedy people who want to get rich as fast as possible with minimal effort (don't try to deny it). But this blog offers advice on how to get rich the logical way: over the long haul. Changing little habits or reducing how much you spend on a certain extravagance are little changes that can make a big difference over time.


This blog offers very particular advice on complex financial questions as well as basic reviews of important financial concepts. For example, you can learn about Roth IRAs, or you can read an article about 15 Tips to Lose Weight Frugally. It's all part of the Digerati Life.


Wise Bread offers great advice for "living large on a small budget." The worst part of budgeting your finances is feeling like you can never splurge or have any fun. Wise Bread shows readers how they can do both from time to time without getting into financial trouble.

If you're looking for a few resources to help you live a financially stable life these blogs are just what you need. What are your favorite financial resources? Let me know in the comments below or via Twitter.

Tagg writes on behalf of – home of XFINITY TV Deals. He typically writes about finance and technology. When he’s not obsessing over his budget, he’s an avid soccer player and family man. You can follow him on Twitter. @CableTVcom

Monday, May 21, 2012

Car Finance Tips

Cаrs аrе much-nееdеd asѕеtѕ іn todaу's wоrld. Cаrs mаke trаvеlіng frоm onе рlacе tо аnothеr соnvеnіеnt. Thеy оffеr соmfort аnd ѕеcurіty. There аrе mаny fасtоrѕ іnvolvеd in thе purchaѕе of thе cаr. Thе еntirе prоcesѕ оf buуіng a car сomрrіsеѕ of thrее stagеs. Fіrѕt ѕtаgе іѕ thе pre-purсhаѕе ѕtagе. In thіs stage, the individuаl iѕ yеt to dесіdе the ѕpecifіcs оf the car. Prе-purсhаѕe ѕtagе іnсludеs budgetіng, reѕеаrсh; сomраrаtivе аnаlysіs еtс. ѕeсоnd ѕtаge in thе рrосеsѕ іs thе nеgоtіаtіоn stаgе. Onе maу соnѕider fіnаnсе орtіоnѕ іn the negоtiаtіon stage. The fіnаl stagе of the proсеѕs іѕ the рurсhase. Hеre, аre ѕоme tіpѕ that cаn hеlp аn іndіvіduаl іn ѕelеctіng арt cаr fіnanсе.

It іs diffісult fоr а соmmоn реrѕon tо makе one lump ѕum рayment tоwаrdѕ buyіng a car. Cаr dеаlerѕ аnd agеnсіеs, therеforе, prоvidе fіnаnсe орtiоns to fаcіlіtаtе the рurсhaѕe. One cаn ѕесure сar finаnсе through dealers, іndерendеnt аgеnts and gоvernment or prіvаte fіnаncіаl іnѕtitutіons. Onе muѕt аlwауѕ rеѕеаrсh thоroughlу bеfоre optіng for autо fіnance. Car dеalеrѕ аffіlіаte thеmselveѕ wіth cеrtain fіnаnсіal instіtutionѕ henсе; thеу mаy rесommend thoѕе іnstіtutiоnѕ onlу. Onе muѕt rеseаrсh onlinе аnd оther ѕоurсeѕ tо find thе bеst deаl. Rеаd the finаnce offеr dосument саrеfullу. Dо not miѕs оut the finе print. One muѕt clarifу anу doubtѕ that hе or ѕhе mау havе іn terms оf finаnсe oрtіоnѕ. It іs beѕt to hаve а fаce-to-facе соnvеrsаtіon wіth the reрreѕentаtіvе from thе finаnсе comрanу. Suсh mеetіngѕ fасilіtatе a twо-waу іnterаctіon аnd еlіmіnаtе аny еlementѕ оf dоubts.

Onе muѕt undеrѕtand іnterеst сalсulаtіon on the lоаn amount. It is a fantaѕtic іdеа tо aѕk for а ѕamplе аmоrtіzatіоn ѕchеdulе fоr thе loаn amоunt. One must аlso сhесk what arе the еxеmptіоnѕ prоvidеd bу thе fіnаnсe cоmраnу іn саѕe of unеmрlоymеnt, раrtіal оr cоmpletе dіsаbіlitу оr anу other unfоrеѕееn еvent. Onе maу аlso сonsіdеr lеasіng оut орtiоn іnѕtеаd of аvaіlіng саr finanсе. Lеаѕe hеlрs іn rеducіng thе equatеd mоnthlу installments. Onе must nоtе that ownеrѕhіp of the car lіеs wіth the dealеr in сase оf a leаsе. It іs сruсіal tо chеck thе сredіbіlity of the рrіvаtе fіnаnce сomрanу befоrе ѕigning thе аgrеement. Onе must сhесk thе recоrd оf асcоmplіѕhmеnt of thе finanсiаl instіtutіon аnd chеck the consumеr fеedbaсk about the ѕerviсeѕ providеd. It іs alѕo еѕѕеntіаl tо nеgotiаtе terms befоrе ѕigning thе dotted lіnе. Nеgotіatiоnѕ help іn gettіng thе bеѕt deal. Thеѕе baѕiс tiрs сan helр іn avоidіng fіnancе ѕwіndlеs аnd fraudulеnt соmрanіeѕ.

Thiѕ iѕ а Guеѕt Poѕt bу Lіѕa Colасо whо сurrentlу blоgѕ on vаrіоus hеаlth blоgs. She even hаѕ a соld ѕorеѕ blоg whiсh prоvidеѕ qualіtу informаtiоn аbout cold sore remedies and cold sore treatment

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Why are Novated Leases so popular?

“Tom from sales has one, Ann from accounts has one and I have one, why? Are you thinking of getting one?” Have you heard this before? Have you left the situation thinking “Why are these Novated Leases so popular and how come I haven’t had one before?” In truth tax savings products are not the most exciting topic of conversation however there is a growing trend towards them as a means to increased disposable income. Today we go into detail about why Novated Leases are increasing in popularity both in Australian business board rooms and at the lunch room table.
Saving your bottom line

Simply put Novated Leases save you tax. This tax saving comes as a double shot as the tax saving comes in both your pay pack and in your Goods and Service Tax (GST) liability. The Lease will save you in your pay pack as it’s an approved salary packaging service with the Australian Tax Office (ATO). This means that your vehicle expenses will be taken from your pre-tax salary. On the GST side you save on everything from the purchase price of the vehicle to regular servicing. While this is dependent on ATO rules it does mean that a Novated Lease will offer more GST savings than a standard lease.

Avoid large unexpected expenses

Big payments are painful but unexpected payments are even more painful. Think of the amount of times you were closing in on payday only to find out that your budgeting has been blown out by one big expense. These blowouts are frustrating and can be financially damaging especially where they put you in the red with your bank. With this in mind it’s important to note that the only way to overcome these problems is with good planning. A Novated Lease will offer you a real solution here as it will give you consistency with predictable payments which are approved upfront. This will help you navigate through your vehicle expenses without any harsh surprises.

Save on car expenses

Like with the tax and convenience benefits Novated Leases can also offer vehicle expense discounts. Some providers can offer these discounts as a result of big subscriber numbers. Some Novated Lease providers also operate as fleet management companies. As fleet management companies operate in a high volume business they can leverage the discounts they get for the benefit of their Novated Lease customers. This means discounts on purchase price, fuel, maintenance, roadside and servicing. Due to high numbers some providers can also benefit from discounts for services like insurance, finance and repairs.
Final thoughts

If you combine all the savings from GST and income tax with the convenience of predictable budgeting and fleet discounts you start to see why a novated lease is so popular. In short they work by finding the most effective way to buy a vehicle with the easiest way to keep up payments and the cheapest way to keep up maintenance.

Why not check out Fleetcare’s novated lease arrangements for yourself and see how much you can save just by paying for your car loan with your pre-tax salary!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Hard times for the interest only mortgage

Mortgage lenders are definitely making it harder for you to obtain a mortgage. Especially when compared to the boom years when criteria was probably too relaxed. It is a hard market to research at the moment because lenders are constantly moving their goal posts as to what is required to obtain a mortgage.

One of the big changes in the market is that lenders are requiring large deposits to allow you to go onto an interest only mortgage. Historically interest only mortgages were available to everyone disregarding deposit levels however over the years this has changed. Over the last couple of years it has been pretty standard for a 25% deposit to be required to go onto interest only however these levels have increased by some lenders to 50%.

A repayment mortgage will guarantee that the mortgage is paid off by the end of the term however an interest only mortgage is only paying the interest so at the end of the term the mortgage amount owed will still be the same. This is a big concern for mortgage lenders as at the end of the loan they will want the mortgage to be repaid and is one of the reasons why there has been a reduction in interest only mortgages.

To take out an interest only mortgage you have to prove that you have a method to repay the mortgage through an alternative investment vehicle such as an ISA. These checks are also becoming stricter to ensure that your investment vehicle is realistically going to be able to pay off the mortgage.

This is just one way in which finding the right mortgage has become more complicated due to the changes in criteria. There are also many other factors such as employment status, proof of income, affordability and credit status.

It is wise to get advise if you have any doubt about whether or not you are applying for the right mortgage because a mortgage broker can ensure that you are not wasting your time and credit checks applying for a mortgage that you may not be able to obtain. They can also ensure that you are getting the best deal on the mortgage market.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Do You Really Save in the Long Term on Insurance?

One of the major healthcare costs you are likely to get in your daily life is long-term attention. This implies that somebody has to reside with you and also that you need round-the-clock attention. This type of attention is very pricey.For treatment away from the home, a non-public room in an elderly care facility can cost more than R150,000 per year. Long-term insurance care, while not inexpensive, can aid in reducing that stress.

As with anything else, this insurance type has its advantages and disadvantages. Have you thought about long-term insurance care for your retirement planning? More and more insurance firms are beginning to provide this with an extensive range of choices, so you have numerous options.The main criticism of these insurance plans has been their expenses. However, this insurance policy can save you an incredible amount of cash in health-related expenses.

Long-term insurance is something that every person should sincerely take into account. The expense of the insurance plan can be high; however the expense of not having an insurance policy can be disastrous. These insurance policies generally have more possibilities and exclusions as compared to other types of policies, so make sure to really carry out your research or take the time with an insurance professional that you believe in. However you begin your research, it is never very late to start considering long-term insurance.

The Insurance Industry in South Africa is an ever changing business. With so many insurance providers looking beyond traditional markers, Insurance Firms are constantly changing in complexity to get caught up with the modern developments. Other factors incorporate capital availability and variations in the weather and climate patterns, along with the management of the insurance features. This is when risk management plays an important role. If these aspects, and others, are not handled properly, it could upset a client adversely during the claims period.

South African customers can feel comfortable knowing that the companies providing insurance in South Africa continuously strive to fulfill these needs, and improve the services required. The current market has demonstrated that it can endure a financial downturn and challenging market related situations.

It is simple to see why insurance coverage is an absolute need in South Africa, in the same way it would be somewhere else. Getting insurance coverage for anything is fundamentally the wise move to make.

You can simply find good and reliable insurance firms online just like InsuranceHound.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Why Brokers can Provide Loans at Lower Rates than Banks

You may have noticed that brokers are offering loan products with lower interest rates compared to banks. This should not surprise you in any way. That is why if you are looking for the best and most competitive loans in the market, you should consider getting through any of the active brokers in the lending market.

These days, brokers are also known for being more competitive and resourceful in offering competitive and affordable loan products. They have more access to greater players in the capital markets. They also usually come up with better pricing discounts. But have you ever wondered why brokers can provide loans at lower rates than banks?
Lower overhead costs

Brokers are often operating at smaller structures compared to their banking counterparts. This is a significant factor for their ability to offer much lower rates to customers. Because of their smaller scale, brokers are logically maintaining lower overhead costs. They have more leeway to lower their rates and aggressively compete for potential clients.

In comparison, banks can be less competitive in this aspect because they can no longer lower rates as doing so can possibly lead to serious losses. Often, banks also provide fixed rate sheets to their sales representatives and officers. Profit margins cannot be reduced because those dictate income and profitability. Thus, brokers get a bigger pie of the loans marketplace.

Connections with different loan providers

Brokers are not permanently connected or affiliated to particular lenders or loan providers. Often, they are free to roam around the market in search for loan products with better terms and lower interest rates. They can have business relations with just about any loan provider.
It also works to their advantage that brokers have the bargaining power when negotiating for deals with loan providers. They can always assert that they can easily and instantly back out from the negotiation to go to competing loan providers, which may be more willing and open to offer lower-rate loans. In comparison, banks promote and offer only their loan products.

Waived fees

Many brokers even boast of the lower or waived fees they charge to customers for their services. That is because most of them are already receiving commissions from loan providers. That is why they usually opt not to charge borrowers any fee. And this is often received well by customers, who are always on the lookout for ways to possibly save on costs.

Are you planning to find and obtain a loan soon? If your own comparison of rates do not bring about the most competitive you can imagine, you may try contacting any of the active loan brokers in the market. They may offer you loans that may be more attractive than what you have already found on your own.

Having worked in the lending industry for the last 3 years, Andrew has gained serious experience about home loans, small business loans and refinance solutions. Andrew is now spending most of his time blogging and helping people with their finances.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Insure Your Business With A Business Insurance Quote

Managing your business also entails ensuring that it is covered by insurance. You will never know when accidents such as fire or natural calamities will happen. Getting insurance coverage for your business can at least give you some hope of recovering whatever you will lose as a result of the natural calamities or accidents. If you are just starting out with the business, you may think that there is no need for insurance because you have less risk than a huge multinational company.

But the truth of the matter is that you are better off getting your business covered by insurance. There will always be risks associated with running a business so buying a policy will make sense. You will not only protect the business itself but also your employees as well as other assets. And with the proliferation of insurance providers in the market, finding the appropriate coverage for your business can be easy.

In general, your insurance coverage will depend on the kind of business you are managing. For instance, if you are running a restaurant business, this may entail a higher premium given the variety of risks associated with this kind of business. If you are into operating condominiums, this is important to protect your tenants living in the building.

Before buying an insurance premium for your business, you may want to determine your needs first. For example, are you seeking to insure your employees, the property, or assets? Searching for the right business insurance can be easy once you have an idea of what coverage you are seeking.

When looking for business insurance, sit down with the broker to determine the best coverage for your business. If you are just starting up, you can get general liability, worker’s compensation, or property insurance. If the law requires them, you should include unemployment and disability insurance in the package. As your business expands, you can add other coverage such as life insurance.

As much as possible, you should get more than one quote to allow you to compare them and find the best one that will suit your budget and needs. It is important to find a quote that will ensure that you get your money’s worth.

Make sure that the broker you have in mind has a good track record and quite reliable. Getting an experienced insurance provider will help ensure that you will be getting the right quote for your business. Insuring your company is a risky one so choosing the right provider will count a lot in giving you peace of mind.

There are various ways you can find insurance quotes for your business. The easiest way is to shop online. Another option is to look for referrals from a colleague or another business owner.

Your business is a long term investment so you need to protect it in the best possible way. With the different uncertainties that might come your way, it is always better to be safe than sorry. Follow these tips and you can look forward to safely running your business.

Mags Malvar is a content writer for an advertising specialties company selling personalized promotional products. Check out his blog at

Monday, May 14, 2012

How to Fight Fraud on Your Ecommerce Site

Making money online is pretty easy, and getting conned is equally as easy too. If you own an ecommerce site, you need to be extra cautious in dealing with customers. The following are some helpful suggestions on how you can fight fraud on your ecommerce site:

> Be sure to put up fraud notices on your website.

Clearly state that necessary action will be taken against all violators. By doing so, you will be sending out an open message to scammers to keep off. Most importantly, this will tell scammers that you can track them through their email and IP addresses. The thought of this will be enough to keep them off.

> Analyze all your orders carefully.

Instincts always work best in business. Always trust your instincts whenever you come across suspicious orders. Check them out thoroughly to put your doubts to rest. Look out for signs like:

* Orders that don?t seem to be keen on the features of the specific product in question.

* If several orders are being placed for the same expensive item.

* Large orders that are requesting urgent overnight shipping or delivery.

These are some red flags you should always keep in mind. Most importantly, make sure that the customers fill out all the compulsory fields on the order information forms.

> Perform AVS (Address Verification Services) on every transaction.

This will help you make sure that the information provided by the customer matches that of the information on the file of the card or payment issuing bank. However, this service doesn?t work for countries outside the US. This means that you cannot exclude all orders that have different addresses, unless you?re running a business locally within the US.

> Get the card verification numbers and expiry dates.

Credit cards, master cards and visa cards generally have 3-digit security numbers at their back sides, and expiry dates at their front sides. Make sure you verify these codes and dates before authenticating any delivery. Make sure that each and every digit matches. If customers are providing account numbers to make payments, make sure that the account number is correct.

> Be extremely cautious when handling orders from abroad.

Most fraudulent cases originate from overseas countries. The most fraudulent activities are usually reported to originate from African and Asian countries. Always be extra cautious about accepting orders from such countries.

> Be sure to use software that help prevent fraud.

There are several fraud prevention software out there in the market, which help track any fraudulent activities automatically. Make sure you get authentic software. Master card and visa card also provide free tools that help in fraud detection. You can also use those as alternatives.

Over the last 3 years, Richard has been working on the Magento Enterprise platform developing large ecommerce sites. Aside from work, Richard is a regular blog contributor for several sites.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

5 ways to stay safe on holiday

The annual family holiday can be the highlight of the year. Whether we stay in the UK, or venture to a far-flung corner of the world, a break is always an exciting change from normal life. However, an unexpected mishap or untimely accident can ruin that precious time with loved ones and even put you all in harm’s way. It is vital to stay safe when going on holiday – here are the top five ways how you can ensure a happy return:

1. Always let people know where you are – No matter how impromptu your trip, or how exotic the destination, or even how vague the arrangements, make sure that you always have enough time and information to let your loved ones know where in the world you will be. This is doubly true if you plan to engage in adventurous activities – never go skiing off-piste, trekking in the Outback, pot-holing and so forth without informing someone at your hotel of exactly where you are going. You will never regret it, but you could regret not telling them.

2. Take out holiday insurance – It is important, even though you plan to thoroughly enjoy yourself, to think ahead to the worst case scenario – having an accident abroad. Take out holiday insurance with a respected provider and choose a policy that gives you sufficient cover for all your activities. Always be honest with your insurance provider and ensure that you understand your own cover – it is vital to your well-being in an emergency.

3. Don’t go without checking health requirements – Check government websites to see which vaccinations you made need for overseas trips. When visiting Europe, ensure you have an EHIC card, which entitles you to free or reduced-cost medical treatment in most European countries. If you have specialist health requirements, ensure that you look into them before you travel.

4. Look after your money – Carry cards which support emergency procedures in case of theft and it’s also worth carrying a money pouch underneath your clothes, or hiding separate emergency cash. Many hotels will also have a locked safe that you can use to protect cash and documents such as passports. When travelling to particularly risky locations, always think of a friend or family member who could wire you money should the worst happen.

5. Do as the locals do – Protect yourself by not standing out unnecessarily. Don’t wear outlandish or exposing clothes in the wrong environments, don’t drink to excess and risk drawing unwelcome attention to yourself. Read up on local habits, especially regarding manners, relationships, alcohol and other tricky areas. If in doubt, copy the locals.

You can keep yourself safe on holiday by doing a little preparation before you leave. Insurance is a must, as is common sense. However, accidents do happen and if you do have an abroad and think you could be entitled to compensation then make sure you research into what you are entitled to first. When it comes to happy holiday endings research is the key, so look into your protection and make sure you have everything in place to ensure the best possible outcome.

Ryan Hinegan, Contributor to

Friday, May 11, 2012

Cash Loans for Car Troubles

One of the major conveniences (or inconveniences) of modern life is the car. It gets us from A to B with minimal effort. It allows us to carry our groceries, children and virtually any other thing we want to a certain destination, and at times it can be a lifesaver. On the other hand, it can be the bane of our existences. If we use our car regularly we have regular petrol costs, higher and constant servicing, and annual registration fees. So what do you do if it's time for the regular service and registration – but your cash flow has stalled, you're too far from public transport and you don't have a bike? Apply for a cash loan.

Don't let this be a hurdle that leads to bigger problems. In this day and age, time is money, and nothing is more important than getting back on the road fast, back at your job and back to making that cash. If you need a fast loan in Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne or anywhere around Australia – Cash at Call is your number 1 choice.

While it's almost certain that you're stressing and worrying about whether you'll make it through, if your credit rating is good enough, and how quickly will the loan be improved...relax, take a deep breath and read on.

If you're currently employed and earn a salary of $25 000 per annum (or about $500 a week after tax), have Australian permanent residency, are not an undischarged bankrupt, and have a responsible borrowing history, then you will almost certainly qualify for a cash loan in Sydney. If you have a credit default – don't worry, Cash at Call analyse each applicants circumstance individually and understand that the past is the past.

So, if you're after a fast loan in Sydney between $1000 and $5000, visit Get your car back on the road and your life back on track. For more information call 1300 72 67 87.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The various utilities of looking for life insurance quotes online

All of us will agree that today the need for a life insurance has become unavoidable. Every individual is prone to accidents and no one can be sure about the coming events of his life. You might be enjoying the lavishness of a good job, but any moment your life can go topsy-turvy. Remember, accidents do not come with prior notice. Hence, a wise man will always want to enjoy the benefits of life insurance. For this purpose however you need to know your companies well and understand the quotes on life insurance provided by them.

Since this is the age of technology and the internet has brought the world closer, one can go through the available life insurance quotes on the web to consider which one to buy. Hundreds of insurance companies have made themselves available through their respective websites. All you need to do is to fill up a questionnaire and submit it. This will bring forth a list of websites which provide quotes on life insurance. You have to repeat this process a few times so that you can get the quotes of at least 3-5 companies. This will help you make fruitful evaluation of the quotes. Other than this there are some other websites through which you can access more than one insurance company at a single go. This makes your search all the more faster.

When you look for such life insurance quotes online, term life policy is the most popular option. This kind of policy pays to the claimant only if the policy holder dies within the terms specified in the policy. It is clearly stated in the rules of this policy that if the insured lives longer than the time specified in the policy then the benefits of the policy will be not be given to his nominee. Since, there is no cash value or investment features in this policy, it is one of the most affordable plans. However, the premium costs increase as the policy holder gets old. Even, those who chose to renew his/her policy will have to pay more than what he used to initially. This can be mentioned as the only disadvantage of this plan.

The various forms of term insurance are,

1. Increasing Term Insurance

There is recurrent increase in the rate of these policies. The increase is generally 5% per annum; however it mainly depends upon the rate of inflation. Long term policy holders will benefit from this type of a plan.

2. Decreasing Term Insurance

In this type of insurance the cover level falls per year until it becomes zero. Repayment of loans can be made easier with the help of these plans.

3. Level Term Insurance

A fixed premium is paid throughout the term of the policy. Payment will be made by the insurance company once the policy holder dies. At the end of the term the policy will terminate.

4. Renewable Term Insurance

One can renew his/her policy according to the requirements.

5. Convertible Term Insurance

In this type of a policy the insurance company will have to provide you with a fresh policy if your health status requires so. One can change from his current term policy to a lifetime policy.

Author Bio : Amanda is a veteran in the insurance industry and has got some exciting tips on how to look for online life insurance quotes up her sleeves. For more details please visit

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Personal loans – provide instant cash to fulfill your needs

A personal loan is taken by an individual to suffice urgent financial requirements. When someone runs into a financial crisis and is in need of quick money, Personal loans is the answer. There are a few things that need to kept in mind while opting for such a loan.

  • Earning status – One must have a stable source of earning before opting for such a loan. Someone who doesn’t have a stable earning source will not be able to repay the debts.
  • Assets – One must have sufficient amount of assets including a car, a house and others. An approver will grant a loan without a fuss if the applicant of the loan has such assets.
  • Good credit score – A good credit score aids in getting a loan. Lenders keep an eye on the credit score of an individual to be sure that the borrower is going to repay the loan. A person with not a good credit score is often denied a loan with the apprehension of a bad debt.
  • Purpose – The lenders also would like to know about the purpose of the loan. After an individual states the purpose, the lender scrutinizes whether the purpose is a strong one.
  • Consequences – Many aren’t aware of the problem they might have to face if they are unable to repay the loan. It can lead to legal action against them, which will land them up in further trouble.
  • Quality service – Before going for a particular lender or lending agency one should be sure about its reputation. A good lending institution will provide a good customer service.
  • Habits – A person with abrupt spending habits is most likely to get into trouble. Lenders often gauge the spending habits of an individual before approving loan to them. A person who indulges in buying too much by using credit cards is less likely to get a loan. This is because these people are more likely to get bankrupted.
  • Awareness – Before opting for personal loans, one must be abreast of the interest rates that will be levied on them. Ignorantly opting for loans might end up in a catastrophe. One must therefore go through the terms and conditions of the policy. Lenders are no liable for any carelessness on the borrower’s part.
  • Other options – One must resort to online personal loans only if there is no other alternative to get money. Getting money from friends or relatives is always a better option.

The following things should be considered before opting for a loan:

The reason – One must not look for loans to satisfy needs which are not that important. It should be remembered that loans are to be repaid and that too with interest. Hence a loan should be sought only for a strong reason.

Research – One should do some research before choosing a lending institution. The internet is a good source that provides a lot of information on this.

Lenders transfer the funds online. This reduces the transaction time.

Author bioJimy Jones possesses a great deal of knowledge regarding online personal loans. He has shared some of that valuable information. For more detail please visit

Monday, May 7, 2012

Be Well Equipped for your Catering Business

Food and cookery has never been more popular, with the ubiquity of cookery programs and celebrity chefs. As a result, in relation to food, our standards have rose considerably, and now people know more about food, what constitutes great cuisine and the importance of quality ingredients.

With the above in mind, there has never been a better time to establish a catering business. In these tougher economic times, catering is one sector that is thriving, and represents a great business model for anyone with a passion for food.

As the people that you serve will have more knowledge of food, it is key that your catering business cuts the cake but doesn't cut corners. A key aspect of this is ensuring that your business has the right catering equipment, and thankfully you can look on-line for anything that you need, such as catering cutlery sets.

Catering is an extremely equipment heavy business, and often you will be required to serve hundreds of customers. This necessarily requires not only manpower, but equipment power: so you will need larger refrigerators, disposable items and uniforms for your employees.

Scrimping on this kind of gear is not a good idea, and if you do you could end up flouting legislation, pertaining to food safety. As a result, when establishing a food-based business like a catering business a key aspect is ensuring that you source the right catering supplies.

Bio: This guest blog post is written by Webmaster of, offering catering equipment and cheap catering equipment services!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Investing Your Money Wisely

You’re more than well aware of the usual ideas for getting the cost side of your money house in order – manage your credit cards wisely, pay off the highest interest credit cards first, avoid taking on more debt than you can afford, etc. How about investing on the income side? If you’re spending every dollar that comes in each month on essentials like food and shelter, then advice on where to invest is not relevant. But if you have extra cash sitting stranded in your checking account or at your home, what do you do?

Naturally, there are plenty of companies and people wanting to hold your money. Unfortunately, in this volatile economy, the risk/reward ratio has been turned on its head.

The majority of banks currently pay you almost nothing on savings accounts and CD’s. If you leave your cash with them, you could actually lose money if inflation grows faster than your returns. Occasionally, there are ways to increase the interest rate that you’re getting. For example, a local credit union pays 2.5% if you do a minimum number of debit transactions each month.

Because of the sour economy and global instability, the stock market feels more like speculating than investing in these times. If you are able to choose a solid stock play, it can be volatile due to seemingly unrelated activities like a debt crisis in Europe or quantitative easing programs by the Federal Reserve. Avoid listening too much to stockbrokers or finance writers who have a vested interest in how you manage your money.

There have always been alternative investments like art, collectibles, and precious metals such as gold and silver, though these tend to be even more volatile than stocks. I happen to believe that gold and silver will rise in value as our government continues to rack up debt, but even I wouldn’t bet all of my savings here.

My personal portfolio is loaded with real estate notes, both in my regular accounts and in my Roth IRA. A real estate note, also called a mortgage note, is used to promise payment when owner financing is offered to buy or sell a property. If you want more information on this, please visit my website. Suffice it to say that I’m a mortgage note buyer as a profession and so know what I am doing, but would never recommend that you buy a real estate note unless you’re experienced in this area and are financially astute.

Before deciding where to invest your money, be certain that you understand how much risk that you (and your spouse) are willing to take. If you’re at retirement age or want to invest conservatively, then putting your money in bank accounts and low-yield bonds may make the most sense in the short term. A slightly risker approach would be to invest in blue chip stocks, mutual funds, and bond funds. And finally, those who are younger and/or can afford to take extra risks should consider gold, real estate, and higher yielding stocks as possible answers. Whatever you choose, make your decision now, create budgets and retirement plans, and move forward with your implementation.

Alan Noblitt is the owner of Seascape Capital Inc., which buys real estate notes from individuals and provides commercial invoice factoring and medical factoring to businesses. Seascape Capital is an accredited member of the Better Business Bureau, with the highest score possible of A+. Mr. Noblitt may be reached at (858) 672-4678 or toll-free at 1-800-634-4697. If you would like to learn more about these topics and read informational articles, visit

Thursday, May 3, 2012

7 tips on saving for your retirement

There are a lot of tips that a person can use to help them to save for their retirement.

1) Setting Aside Money Each Month

This is the bare bones step that needs to be taken before anything else You must set a goal for the amount of money that you want to save each month and stick to that goal. The best way to do this is by starting off with a small amount of money in your savings amount and then increasing the amount over a period of time. This means any time that you might have some extra income coming in, put it into your savings account.

2) Planning ahead financially for retirement

You will want to learn all of the things that you are going to need in order to enjoy your retirement. Since the standard of living has been up a lot over the past years, retiring has become one of the most expensive things that a person can do. Therefore, a person is going to need to have at least 70 percent of their income saved in order to have a good retirement. A person is also going to need a financial expert to help out with these plans.

3) Retirement Savings Plan

This is necessary for your retirement saving. You must make sure to put some money into your employer's retirement savings plan. This is one of the best things that a person can do. This is because it can help to lower a person's taxes that they might have to pay, the company will usually contribute some money to the fund, and the money for the plan will automatically come out of your check. Therefore, you never have to worry about whether or not you have paid for the month.

4) Setting up a retirement plan

This is very important! If your employer does not already have a retirement plan set up, ask them to set one up. The best way to do this is to explain to your employer all of the benefits that everyone involved in the company are going to experience with the plan. Plus, everyone within the company is going to know that their retirement plan is going to be very secured by their employers. You are going to need to help your employer understand all of the benefits of a retirement plan.

5) Investing money

You need to know all of your basic investment principles. This means knowing how much money that you could potentially save along with the money that you have already saved. Therefore, a person is going to need to invest only in something that is going to make their money grow over a period of time. Some people will invest in several companies, but these companies are going to need to be financially secured.

6) Learning about social security benefits

Make sure to learn about all of the social security benefits that you could get. Most people are only going to get about 40 percent of the amount of money that they earned while working when they want to get their retirement money. Every year, a person should get a social security statement in the mail that tells them about of how much their retirement benefit is going to be as well as when they should be able to get it from social security.

7) Do NOT touch your retirement savings early

Do everything that you can to not touch the retirement savings that you have through your employers. When a person decides to draw out some of their retirement, they are going to lose the interest that they earned, the principal balance, and any tax benefits that they were getting from the retirement plan. Plus, they are going to have to pay penalties on the retirement plan when the money is withdrawn from the account.

These are the top seven tips on saving for your retirement.

Kendall Morrison works at a Utah bank, where she is proud to assist clients every day in their financial needs. She tries to look at only the positive in her clients, but if a concern rises when they are applying for a loan or credit, she only needs to check out

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

5 Things to Remember When Making Investment for Your Retirement

Saving for your retirement can be risky business if you do not save properly or in the right places. Most people decide to make investments for their retirement in hopes that the investments will pay out well when they retire. However, there are a few things that you need to remember before you decide to invest.

1. Know your Needs

The first thing you need to do before investing is to actually analyze your needs. If you will not require a lot of money after you retire, you do not need to make big investments. If your needs are going to cost quite a lump sum of money, you may need to make bigger or more investments.

2. Know your Investment(s)

Rather than following market trends or investing what someone tells you to invest in, make sure you know your investment. Analyze the market value of your potential investment and study up on projections. Before making an investment, make sure you have completed your homework. Make sure you know what you are investing in.

3. Think Low-risk

The key to investing in your retirement is to make sure your investments are low-risk. You may get a higher return with high-risk investments, but you need to remember that these investments go towards your retirement. If the investments go down the drain, your retirement could as well. Hence, if you are planning to invest in something, make sure that it is a low risk investment. This increases your chance of getting a decent return without losing your investment.

4. Choose the Right Savings Plan

Many people choose to invest in savings accounts. Technically, they are actually savings because you are tying up your money in one place in hopes of getting an increased return. If you do choose to put your money into a savings account, ensure that you get the highest interest rate possible with the lowest required monthly deposit. Not only will you get a sizeable return, you won't have to risk receiving a penalty for not meeting your monthly deposit.

5. Think Long-term

Considering that your retirement is a long time away, you have to think about long term goals. You do not need to rush into any investment if it does not make sense. You can always set money aside every month until an investment makes sense. Because your primary aim is a happy retirement, your investment will have to be a long-term one. Not every investment is the same and the reasons for investing are driven by your needs. Make sure that you keep the above 5 points in mind before making an investment for your retirement.

Allan has recently opened a Ubank SMSF to manage his retirement savings and he has been looking at ways to maximise his returns. To learn and exchange with others, Allan has been regularly contributing to personal finance blogs over the last 2 years.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

7 tips to save on using coupons

There are several tips that a person can use in order to have the most money on their groceries by using coupons.

1. Organize your coupons

The first tip is to organize all of your coupons. This means that a person is going to need to have a system set up before they even start clipping coupons. This is going to make all of the coupons easy to find when you are looking for a certain one. The most important thing for a person to remember is that not every system is going to work for you so try not to get discouraged. If the first one that you use does not work the way you wanted it to, a second one may work much better!

2. Don't just buy brand names

The second tip on saving money with coupons is to try not to just buy the brand names on groceries. Most of the time, the store brands are going to be just as good as the store brand food items. But if the name brand is on sale for a lower price then the store brand, then of course buy that one especially if you have a coupon for it. This means that it is always a good idea to look for grocery stores that will double or triple the amount that is on the coupon. This will allow you to get the most out of the coupon.

3. Make a collection out of coupons

The third tip is to make a collection out of all of your coupons. This is so that if there is a sale on certain products going on, you will have the coupons that are going to save you even more money. A person can also request some coupons from the manufacturers if they use a certain product a lot.

4. Make a clear plan when going to the grocery store!

The fourth tip is to have a clear plan when you are going to the grocery store. This is so that you can figure out all of the coupons that you have and what is on sale. Therefore, you will be able to match the coupons up with the sales at the store. This method will allow a person to save more money than they could ever even imagined saving. Plus a person is going to be able to see whether or not they need to stock up on other coupons for the grocery trip.

5. Make a list after you make a plan...

The fifth tip is to go in the grocery store with a list of all of the groceries that you need. Therefore, you will be a lot less likely to spend money on things that you do not need. This means that a person is going to need to check the pantry and refrigerator for everything that they are out of so they will know what to add to the grocery list.
6. Plan ahead with your meals

The sixth tip is to make a menu of all of the meals that you are planning on having during the week. This is help you to make a proper list of all of the groceries that you need at home. Every once in awhile, you can allow yourself to have a treat. But it is very important that a person does not overdo themselves when it comes to treating themselves. You do not want to waste any of the money that you are using the coupons to try to save.

7. Check more than one coupon site

The seventh tip is to shop around the different coupon websites to get all of the coupons that you possibly can. You can also check the local newspapers and some of your friends to see if they were able to get different coupons than you. A person needs to remember that the most coupons that they have, the more money that the person is going to save on their grocery bill.

Constanze Morris is a stay at home mom who clips coupons to save while her husband is going back to school to get his Bachelor's degree! She took in savings on over $400 in the past month alone! Savings doesn't end with groceries though. When she need a lower health insurance rate, she checked out for the best deal!